Science Events

Photo credit: Cidney Hue

los angeles:
June 2 - 4, 2024

Registration for the 2024 Science Events Summit is now open.

There's something special about live events. There's the way our energy builds off each other in a give-and-take. The way we do things in unison with people we never met before. The way we both forget ourselves and find our people. The way normal rules are suspended and traditions are made.

There's something special about live event organizers too. A certain kind of someone steps up to organize an event, rides that roller coaster, and then gets back in line to do it again.

Did you just nod in agreement? And you're interested in how events might connect people and science? Then you've just found your meeting.

Please join us in Los Angeles this June. Plan to arrive by early evening on Sunday, 6/2, and stay through at least the early evening of 6/4.

Register now!
PROGRAM is Live!
Regional Host:
Daytime Venue:
Organizing Partner:

Is the Summit a good match for me?

The Summit is for anyone with a serious interest in public science events, but that interest may be from different perspectives. The Summit is a good match for you if:

  • You want to share creative inspiration for organizing live events at the intersection of community, art, and science/STEM.
  • You'd like to meet people that are also experiencing the joys and frustrations of organizing live events that connect people and science in some way (including in the context of their home institutions/organizations).
  • You want to discuss how to use events as the levers that advance your strategic vision for change and transformation.

First-timers are delighted to find that this community of practice exists, and to find that others also care about the things that fire them up most. The majority of people attending once return again at some point, and those regulars are effusive about how the meeting re-orients and re-energizes them.

Plus, with most meals provided, the Summit is a great deal!

What is the Summit like?

We’re not trying to disrupt the way people conference, but the Summit does have a unique personality. It is a peer-to-peer meeting, so with a little effort on your part you’re likely to meet everyone that attends.

There’s no keynote, but there are sessions where you're expertise will be recognized. It’s not an unconference, but sessions are designed around the interests of attendees, so the full program usually isn't set until two weeks before. There are no big ceremonies or awards, but there is an energetic conference dinner. You'll come away with practical information, thoughtful inspiration, and a network of supportive colleagues.

It’s a busy couple of days, but meals are included and there are plenty of good breaks. And there are always experiential surprises thrown in: we are all event organizers, after all.

This year, we envision a few moments during the meeting when everyone is focused on one discussion, and lots of time spent in smaller group conversations facilitated by Summit participants (possibly by you!). At registration you will have the chance to suggest conversation topics and raise your hand to be a facilitator. If you have something specific you'd like to discuss with the organizers, feel free to contact us now.

Is the program ready? What topics will be covered?

The Summit Program is always built around those attending, so it is usually not completed until about two weeks prior. For a sketch of how that program is likely to unfold, along with a list of topics people are already asking for, visit the Summit Program page.

The daytime program will take place in the Petersen Automotive Museum’s airy penthouse, atop three floors of incredible automotive history and style. The Summit’s hotel is an easy walk from there, and is a classic SoCal oasis in the city with fountains and flowers and courtyards that blend indoors and out. On Sunday evening (6/2) you are invited to meet up with everyone cross the street at the historic Farmers Market, with more than 40 restaurants and eateries bustling with a cross section of Angelenos. We're also working on a stage show Sunday evening and a Tuesday reception near the intriguing La Brea Tar Pits that are right around the bend.

wHAT DOES IT cost?

Registration is open now.

Early Bird registration runs through April 13, and costs $250. After that, General registration is $350. We have set up a specially discounted rate of $250/night with the Summit hotel, and you will receive instructions for using that rate once you have registered.

The Summit is not a fundraiser: It is run at cost with the support of grant-funded projects and paid registrations. Registration includes meals served during the day, as well as a festive Summit dinner on Monday. If you are eager to attend the Summit, but the expense is the only thing holding you back, please contact us to see if special arrangements are possible.

How do I get there? where do I stay? Do I need a car?

For out-of-town participants arriving by plane, plan to arrive by mid-afternoon on Sunday, June 2., so you can drop in and join us for dinner sometime between 4:00 - 7:00PM that evening. Depending on traffic, it can take from 30 minutes to over an hour for car rides from LAX to the area of the Summit.

The Summit's daytime venue will be the Petersen Automotive Museum, 6060 Wilshire Boulevard., Los Angeles, CA. Information about public transit, parking, and accessibility can be found here

The Summit's hotel is the Short Stories Hotel, 115 S Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA. Information about the Summit's special discounted rates at this hotel is provided after registration for the Summit.

All Summit activity will be within relatively easy walking distance of the Petersen and Short Stories. The walk between the two is straightforward, and takes 15 - 20 minutes. Summit planning assumes that out of town guests will not have cars. However, if a one-mile walk on city sidewalks will be uncomfortable, you may need to arrange for your own rideshares/taxis at points.

Is there a Code of Conduct?

So glad you asked! The Summit is meant to build camaraderie by providing a respectful, safe, and harassment-free experience for everyone.

We do not tolerate harassment of Summit participants in any form, whether during Summit conference sessions or off-site after-hours gatherings. Discriminatory or sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any Summit venue, including talks, workshops, parties, or online media.

Summit participants violating this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from the Summit without a refund at the discretion of the Summit organizers.